Make an Impact with Paper

by Lara Maville
Hits: 1313

One thing that might set your business card—or postcard, or any other printed marketing material for that matter—apart from the rest could be a unique paper. There are many interesting varieties of paper that could not only contribute to your branding, they could also help establish it. 


Where to Start when Building your Dream Website

by Lara Maville
Hits: 2620
website development services

The thought of starting a new website can be overwhelming, especially for those who are not familiar with the language or processes involved. Here's how to start that website you've been dreaming about (it's a lot like planning to build a new home).


5 Ideas for Branding Your Small Business

by Lara Maville
Hits: 2773
branding small business

When I hear the word “branding” I can’t help but think about cows. As early at 2,700 BC, branding was what cattle owners did so cows could be easily identified and returned to their owner if lost, or stolen by cattle rustlers. But now when we talk about branding it tends to be in the context of marketing a business, not owning cattle. So what is branding, exactly? And why is it important?


The Changing (Internet) Landscape

by Lara Maville
Hits: 3111

My daughter and I were recently walking our dog and were a little surprised to see that about an acre of nearby woods had been cut down. Logging trucks and construction vehicles were scattered about, parked for the night. The smell of cut wood was heavy and the once thick landscape was stark. We lamented the loss of the wooded area and wondered what was coming to this quiet neighborhood. The landscape is changing.


A Question of Security

by Lara Maville
Hits: 3530

Hacking used to mean kicking around a little bean bag sack with some friends. Unfortunately hacking has come to mean something completely different, dark even. If you are website owner, you need to know how to keep your site safe from hackers and your visitors secure when they log in. 


CCBA Website Gets In Shape

by Lara Maville
Hits: 4148

I have been providing graphic design services for the CCBA, a community recreation and fitness facility, since 1998. This spring I worked with Membership/Marketing Director Barbara Parker to launch a new and improved website. 


Responsive Website Designer

by Lara Maville
Hits: 4473

“Responsive Website Design” is one of the more recent terms of the trade in website design. While it is important to have a responsive website, it's also important to have a responsive website designer. As in, a designer who is responsive to the client's needs. That's where I come in.


Logos by Lara Maville Design

by Lara Maville
Hits: 4602
Canaan AG Logo

Logo design is a multi-faceted process. It is the art of taking an overall company philosophy and manipulating it until it fits into a creative, recognizable, memorable symbol. That symbol not only represents a client and their business—it also represents my company, and that is how I approach every logo I design.


Be A Benefactor: The Campaign for the New Enfield Public Library

by Lara Maville
Hits: 4162
Enfield Public Library Mailer

I have always loved going to the library. From wanting to renew an audio copy of Peter and The Wolf (on an LP) over and over again, to looking at the picture books, to researching a report, to studying for a big test. Some of my best design ideas came to life in the library. Of course, nowadays you can sit at home and do all your research right in the comfort of your dining room, living room, home office, or where ever else you can get wifi. But libraries offer much more than just books. There's the quiet (most of the time); the lack of distraction from sitting at home where laundry needs to be done and dogs need to be walked; the comfy chair next to a coffee table to with a nice stack of books to go through. And, of course, there's the books! Lots of books, old books, new books, audio books, magazines. So many books, so little time.


Silloway Maple Launches E-Commerce Website

by Lara Maville
Hits: 3598
Silloway Maple Website

I recently heard someone say that a website is the cheapest store you'll ever own. While I didn't do the math (not my strong point - I'm an art major after all) I would probably agree. With an online store, the up front costs include design, development, domain registration, and hosting. Hosting plans vary depending on the website requirements (does it need to be secure, an online store, etc). Designer and developer costs can also be across the board depending on who you contract. Once your site is up, you continue to pay for the hosting and domain. All said, certainly this is less expensive than owning and operating a brick and mortar store.
